You’ve got a nagging feeling that you should be marketing your translation business more proactively. If just one more low-paying offer comes into your inbox addressed Dear Vendor, you might just scream. In part because there are too few interesting enquiries from clients you’d love to work with. Occasionally you…
Marketing: A long-term relationship or whistle-stop tour?
The most successful marketing strategies are based on building long-term relationships with potential clients rather than flying visits.
Energy-saving marketing with a translator portfolio
Do you ever look at a word so closely and for so long that you’re no longer sure it’s correct? Even though it’s a word like ‘carrot’ that you’ve known how to spell since you were five. Semantic satiation is when you read or hear the same word or sound…
Everything You Need To Know About The Expedition Group
If you’ve heard anything about The Expedition Group, you may know it’s a membership group I run for translators and interpreters. My mission is to help make marketing more enjoyable and support you to actively market your services and grow your translation business. However, I understand that joining a membership…
Three things to increase when marketing to direct clients in your translation business
If it feels like you’re hitting a dead end and you’re not getting the responses you want when marketing to direct clients, you’re not alone. It’s a frustration and challenge shared by many translators, including one of my email subscribers, who wrote the following: I’m not getting a response from…
Finding Translation Work
Finding Translation Work When your inbox is quiet, what should you do? More than a few translators are experiencing a quieter inbox than usual and would love to add more translation projects to their schedule. If finding more translation work is a current challenge for you, know that you’re not…
What Stops You Marketing Your Translation Business?
Most translators would actively choose laundry over marketing our translation business. I’ve got a few ideas as to why we fall into the life essentials versus business essentials trap and what to do about it. Day 71, Kaikoura, New Zealand.A walk along the coast with a freshwater river on one…
Balancing Relationship Building and Selling
You’ve probably spent more time than you’d like to admit deliberating over what exactly to say to potential clients, I know I have.One of my email subscribers asked: What do I actually write in the email body to be clear about who I am and what I do – but…
Trade show tips for translators
Go to a few trade shows and you’ll realise that attending these kinds of events is still unusual behaviour for a translator. I travelled up to London recently for an exhibition and most people I spoke with had never met a translator before and were curious about my work. Top tip…
Grab your best marketing kit, clients await!
Have you ever received a seemingly out-of-the-blue message from an old contact? Mrs B was on my list of contacts during my first direct marketing campaign. When I followed up with her, she thanked me for the marketing she had received, said it was really memorable and she would save…