Do you ever look at a word so closely and for so long that you’re no longer sure it’s correct? Even though it’s a word like ‘carrot’ that you’ve known how to spell since you were five.
Semantic satiation is when you read or hear the same word or sound over and over so your brain takes the path of least resistance and blocks it out. Human brains save energy by skipping over repeated information. Instead, they scan and focus on anomalies – potential dangers – to keep us safe.
You get semantic satiation in marketing too. When everyone claims to be innovative, no one is innovative (science marketers, stop using that word!). As translators, if all our marketing is centred around offering high-quality, accurate translations, and being responsive, our potential clients will struggle to differentiate one from another. They’ll pick the translation service that promises something different – and if price is the only differentiator then sadly, opting for the cheapest makes sense, doesn’t it?
It’s not as hard to stand out as you might think
Often, standing out as a translator is a case of focusing on a particular sector and tailoring your marketing to their specific needs and desires. “We’ve been struggling to find a translator who understands analytical techniques / architecture / sustainability reporting / the publishing world etc…” said many potential clients (true story). Imagine if those people suddenly received your customised marketing, perhaps a portfolio filled with the outcomes they could expect when working with you. A portfolio crafted by someone who understands their niche and presents case studies that detail similar projects in this field. Suddenly, you become a much stronger contender.
Think of all that energy you’re saving your future clients, helping them switch off all that mundane background noise to focus on the one person who can clearly help – you!
But I can’t create a portfolio because…
I only work with agencies and so can’t create case studies – yes, you can and the same applies to clients who ask you to sign NDAs. Case studies can be anonymised if needed and written with a slightly different focus so they can sell your expertise without having to reveal the confidential or identifying details. Some might say that crafted this way, the reader will find it easier to picture you working on their projects and solving similar challenges.
Variety is the spice of life and I work with too many different industries – I have a couple of suggested approaches if you have no obvious thread running between the different services you offer.
I’m not creative and wouldn’t know where to start making it look good – I’ll show you how to easily create different formats, customise templates and what visual aspects you need to consider to make it look good.
Throw your objections at me because I’m here to tell you that it’s still possible to create an effective translator portfolio (and you don’t need any translation samples).
Creating a persuasive portfolio is one of the most popular modules in The Expedition Group but you can also grab it as a separate training course – and get my feedback and suggestions to make your draft version even more impactful (there are two options, with or without my feedback).
Inside Persuasive Portfolios for Translators
Much of the content of this course will help you with other areas of marketing. For example, you’ll find tips to get great testimonials and different ways to use them. You get to clarify who you help, refine your bio and decide how you want to present yourself, all with guidance. And I’ll give you at least five different ways you can use your portfolio once it’s created to make it earns its keep.
A sneak peek at some of the training inside:

Once you’ve created your translator portfolio, you’ll never look back! It’s a great marketing tool you can tweak and adapt over time, it’s super useful if you don’t have a website (in fact, you can use the content for web copy when the time is right or vice versa), and having one reduces your marketing effort. One translator told me that sending her portfolio ahead of a client meeting sold her expertise so well that the call became a more relaxed chat to get to know the team.
Energy-saving marketing for you and your future clients has got to be a win!
If you’d like to create your own persuasive translator portfolio with step-by-step guidance then head here for all the details. I’d love to help you impress your future clients and confidently market your translation business.
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